Q. ​Denis, since you have been an actor for many years, you’ve worked with many other players.  In a few words, how would you describe your experience with Peter?

A. Peter M.  is very detailed, comedic, knows what he wants to see and gets it.

Q. How about his skill creatively as a director?

A. Great deal of respect for each others ability and always fun to work with.

Q. As a person?

A. He is kind, thoughtful and a man of his word. I hope we can work together again one day.  I wish him all the best.

Audio interview with Sandy Macchiavena

​Q. When or how did you first meet Peter and where did it take place?

A. I met Peter in I think 1988 or 1989.  He had placed an ad in the newspaper for actresses and I responded.  We had a little mini-interview and he told me about his film.  Before I met him I was a little nervous, which is pretty normal, but he turned out to be a really nice guy, he seemed seasoned and knew a lot of people.  He had just moved back from California I think, and he had those connections and had previously written a couple of TV shows.  I trusted him and he was professional.

Q. What was your initial impression of him?  

A. He was really nice, professional and intelligent.  I respected him and he put me at ease.

Q. What kind of relationship did you have? 

A. It was a business relationship but also a friendship.

Q. How was Peter to work with as an actor? writer? director?

A. He was a very professional actor, a perfectionist concerned with every detail. He wanted it to be right and took it very seriously.  As the writer, he wanted the characters to be portrayed as intended.

Q.  What did you learn about him during the process?

A. He was talented, he took all the people seriously, we were treated with respect and he made sure everyone had input.  He was...what is the word...I want to say he was very open.. accommodating, that's it.

Q. What, if anything, did you learn about yourself?

A. I was surprised to learn I could work those late hours on a movie set, that I had more endurance than I thought.  Since it was my first leading role, it gave me confidence to know that I could work in front of a camera.

Q. Have you remained friends or acquaintances with Peter?

A. Yes we are still friends and talk frequently.

Q. Do you think he has changed much since when you first met him?

A. No not at all, except that he is more worldly and wise, but I suppose we all are right?  

Q. Is there anything else you want to add?

A. Not really, except I hope he never gives up on his dreams.

"Peter, you are the genuine article ...... This is the best idea for a film series I have ever run into ....." - Jack Lemmon (Actor) 


Amazing he can talk without a script.  How rare!!!  This is very, very funny stuff.  A multi-talent!  I thought this video was very smart, great! It must have taken a lot of work, but comes off smoothly.  This guy Michaels has the talent and the looks to do well in "the biz"... I hope to see a lot more from this one.

Wow! This man is fantastic!  Nothing like it on now and TCM should scoop him up.  That’s something I would watch every week.   Loved the expression on his face when the other guy insults him.  I just signed up here to give a thumbs up to another video with Forry on Merv but now I have to search for more of this Peter Michaels. Great!

Got turned on to Michaels on another site.  There really is no one like him out there today.  Good looking, good humored and good mind!  Why isn't Turner Classics begging this guy to bring his show back?!  It would be nice to have SOMETHING and SOMEONE worth watching!  And you NEVER hear anything about Robert Bloch anymore.  Met him at a con once.  I can see what Bloch saw in Michaels.  Love to see more MMM!  Now I have to check out his PUBLIC XS video.   


 Interview with 
Deb Linley (Actress & Friend)

​Robert Bloch, author of PSYCHO and much more




​Author Robert Bloch Once More:



Michaels has what it takes.  I love his narration and I think he is just a marvelous host!

Bravo! Encore! We want more! … his personality and charm adds something special.

The behind the scenes commentary you provide is as interesting and enjoyable as the film itself.

You have a very special show … keep him on the air!  We just can’t get enough of him!  He is really hysterical on top of being so intelligent.  He’s so damn sexy!!

As for Mr. Michaels himself, I find his presentation very refreshing and delightful. He shows true professionalism.

I just got divorced.  If I spot him in town, he ain’t safe!

I am pleasantly surprised at the wit and movie knowledge of Mr. Michaels, the host.

(petermichaels.us formerly dreamworldpro.com)


Note:  Dream World Productions is the creation of Peter Michaels.

Petermichaels.us (formerly Dreamworldpro.com) is owned, operated and managed by friends and followers of Peter Michaels. All Things Peter Michaels: Writer, Actor, Director - A Good Man

 Dream World Productions

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