Below: A trailer, again created by Peter, then a director of a local stage production of  PETRIFIED FOREST.

Like a lot of starving artists, $ for production has always been a problem.  No cash is what stops most people from producing anything.  It did not stop Peter!  It is inspiring how he made a lot of quality entertainment for a few hundred dollars - you read right, a few hundred dollars.

    ​                                  ​Budget, What Budget?

Peter says: Here’s a clip from one of my first talkies.  Now, this is not my picture but the creation of a gentleman named 
Brendan Faulkner.  I am proud to say, however, that I did write three of my own lines, one of them being the now classic, often quoted gem, “COW COO CAR.”  Haven't we all just felt like lifting up our heads and saying those mystical, magic words?  As I understand it, if you close your eyes, wish real hard and say “COW COO CAR” in rapid succession while clicking your heels three times you inevitably end up with scuffed heels.  The movie’s most clever selling-point was having me do a walk-on while remaining a complete unknown . . .  so all seven in the audience would stand up and shout, “Hey look, I don’t know that guy!”


Note:  Dream World Productions is the creation of Peter Michaels. (formerly is owned, operated and managed by friends and followers of Peter Michaels. All Things Peter Michaels: Writer, Actor, Director - A Good Man

 Dream World Productions

( formerly