​Obviously, Peter knew nothing about Public Access, had never even seen a single show, and therefore was not aware that pointing a shaky camera in the general direction of someone speaking was considered a program.  It never occurred to him to not go about it as he had everything else.
In the pre-digital age, this meant he had to hand-edit the show on his living room floor, write the documentaries about the films, record and over-dub the tracks, music, sound effects, get artwork, write and perform comedy bits – you get the idea: the only way to do it was around the clock.

Certainly, MICHAELS’ MOVIE MADNESS was meant to reach a small, local audience.  But by the second or third week on the air Peter had developed a huge following, a fan base so significant it required purchasing extra space at the post office (letters from across the country when he thought he was only playing to a 25 or 50 mile radius), so even Peter caught on that the show and he were not only becoming a hit, but he was also being bootlegged from coast to coast on what he thought was a non-profit project.
Coming full circle after all these years, the few clips we put up of MICHAELS’ MOVIE MADNESS on the internet (just to see what would happen) garnered over 900,000 views and 600,000 downloads within the first 96 hours and on sites we never put it on!  From Poughkeepsie to Pakistan, once more Peter’s old local show is being bootlegged and enjoyed with much enthusiasm.  On this experiment alone, Peter is suddenly being talked about, rumored about and appreciated.  It’s as if he and everyone who ever saw the show had been encased in ice and are suddenly freed.  I mean -- inaccuracies or not -- he wasn’t even listed on IMDB as having existed until April of 2011.

Peter's tastes run far beyond classic horror / science fiction / fantasy (no gore, thank you) so don't be fooled by it or try and pigeonhole a man who can't be pigeonholed.   Here's the opening & closing credits from MICHAELS' MOVIE MADNESS simply because people asked for it, remembered it, and always got a few laughs at the written jokes.

Blessed be low comedy

Oliver the dog sabotages the ending of an episode of MICHAELS' MOVIE MADNESS.  This particular ending generated so much fan mail, we just had to add it here!

(petermichaels.us formerly dreamworldpro.com)


Below:  Interview with Peter on CT News Talk discussing the great success of MICHAELS' MOVIE MADNESS.


Note:  Dream World Productions is the creation of Peter Michaels.

Petermichaels.us (formerly Dreamworldpro.com) is owned, operated and managed by friends and followers of Peter Michaels. All Things Peter Michaels: Writer, Actor, Director - A Good Man

 Dream World Productions

Jumping over the many projects of his youth (far too many to mention here) and into the late 1980’s, Peter created and hosted a Horror/Science-Fiction/Fantasy local cable television program in CT called MICHAELS’ MOVIE MADNESS.  Every Friday night, Peter would show classic and not-so-classic films from the silent era through the early 1970’s; rare footage of Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, LonChaney, Peter Lorre; cartoons; drive-in movie filler; vintage shorts; do comedy bits  and documentation (never mixing into the films) as well as weekly visits on video or phone-line from Forrest J Ackerman, legendary authors Robert Bloch and Isaac AsimovBela Lugosi Jr  – even cinema greats Roddy McDowallVincent Price himself . . . and on and on.  He was so naïve about the whole thing he thought maybe other local hosts also brought on famous people, influential leaders of their craft.